
1. Introduction to Genetics
2. Mendelism
3. Genic Interaction
4. Multiple Alleles
5. Multiple Gene Inheritance
6. Linkage
7. Crossing Over
8. Chromosome Map
9. Non-Mendelian Ratios
10. Sex Determination in Animals
11. Sex Linked Inheritance
12. Non-Disjunction
13. Mutation
14. Twins
15. Human Chromosomes
16. Simple Mendelian Traits in man
17. Inborn Errors of Metabolism
18. Chromosomal Abnormalities
19. Syndromes
20. Eugenics
21. Euthenics
22. Pedigree Analysis
23. Genetic Prognosis
24. Genetic Counseling
25. Effect of Drugs on Human Heredity
26. Microbial Genetics
27. DNA is the Genetic Material
28. Cytoplasmic Inheritance
29. Population Genetics
30. Inbreeding and Outbreeding
31. Glossary
32. Index