Allied Zoology 2 (TANSCHE Syllabus)

Allied Zoology 2 (TANSCHE Syllabus)


Animal Physiology Developmental Zoology Immunology Human Genetics and Animal Behaviour as per TANSCHE Syllabus

SKU: 9789394196599 Category: Tags: ,
ISBN : 9789394196599
Author : ,
Number of Pages : 212
Edition : 1 Year : December, 2023
Format : Paperback
Language : English
Publisher : Saras Publication



Animal Physiology
1. Respiration 
2. Respiratory Organs in Animals
3. Respiratory Pigments
4. Haemoglobin 
5. Haemocyanin 
6. Haemoerythrin 
7. Chlorocruorin 
8. Pinnaglobin 
9. Vanadium 
10. Echinochrome 
11. Molpadin 
12. Transport of Gases 
13. Oxygen Transport 
14. CO2 Transport 
15. Blood clotting 
16. Blood clot 
17. Excretory Products 
18. Ornithine Cycle 
19. Neuron 
20. Conduction of Nerve Impulse 
21. Conduction of Impulse through Non-myelinated Neuron 
22. Conduction in Myelinated Neurons 
23. Synapse 
24. Conduction of Impulse Through Synapse 
25. Neuromuscular Junction 
26. Neuromuscular Impulse Transmission 
27. Mechanism of Vision 
28. Mechanism of Hearing 

Developmental Zoology
29. Frog - Fertilization 
30. Frog - Cleavage 
31. Frog - Gastrulation 
32. Frog - Organogenesis 
33. Frog - Development of Brain 
34. Frog - Development of Eye 
35. Frog - Development of Ear 
36. Frog - Development of Heart 
37. Placentation in Mammals 

38. Immunity 
39. Innate Immunity 
40. Acquired Immunity 
41. Passive Immunity 
42. Active Immunity 
43. Antigens 
44. Antibodies 
45. Immunological Organs 
46. Primary Lymphoid Organs 
47. Thymus 
48. Bursa of Fabricius 
49. Bone Marrow 
50. Secondary Lymphoid Organs 
51. Spleen 
52. Lymph Nodes 
53. MALT 
54. Immune Response 
55. Types of Immune Response 
56. Humoral Immune Response 
57. Cell Mediated Immunity Response 
58. Vaccination Schedule

Human Genetics
59. Human Chromosomes 146-150
60. Sex Determination in Humans 
61. Autosomal dominant inheritance 
62. Autosomal recessive inheritance 
63. X-Linked Inheritance 
64. Y-Linked Inheritance 
65. Multiple Allelic Inheritance 
66. Polygenic Inheritance 
67. Genetic Counseling 

Animal Behaviour
68. Foraging 
69. Courtship Behaviour 
70. Shelter Construction 
71. Nest Construction 
72. Parental Care 
73. Learning Behaviour 

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