A Text Book of Botany

A Text Book of Botany


4 Volumes

SKU: 9789384826581 Category: Tag:
ISBN : 9789384826581
Author : , , ,
Number of Pages : 2196
Edition : First Format : Paperback
Language : English
Publisher : Saras Publication


A Text Book of Botany Volume 1 (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Microbiology and Plant Pathology)
1.Introduction to Algae, 2. Classification of Algae, 3.Oscillatoria, 4. Nostoc, 5. Chlamydomonas, 6.Volvox, 7. Chlorella, 8. Cladophora, 9. Oedogonium, 10. Spirogyra, 11. Caulerpa, 12. Diatoms, 13. Ectocarpus, 14. Fucus, 15. Sargassum, 16. Spirulina, 17. Gracilaria, 18.Dictyota, 19. Polysiphonia, 20. Introduction to Fungi, 21.Classification of Fungi, 22. Rhizopus, 23. Saccharomyces (Amastigomycota),24.Aspergillus, 25. Mucor,26. Puccinia, 27. Albugo, 28. Peziza, 29. Fusarium, 30.Penicillium, 31. Dictyostelium, 32. Economic Importance of Fungi, 33.General Account of Lichens, 34. Usnea, 35. Introduction to Bryophyta, 36. Classification of Bryophytes, 37. Alternation of Generation, 38. Funaria,39. Marchantia, 40. Riccia, 41. Polytrichum, 42. Sphagnum,43. Economic Importance of Bryophytes, 44.Introduction to Microbiology, 45. Bacteria, 46. Viruses, 47. Introduction to Plant Pathology 48. Immunity in Plants, 49. Citrus Canker, 50. Bunchy top of Banana, 51. Blast Disease of Rice, 52. Tikka Disease of Groundnut, 53. Red Rot of Sugarcane, 54. Tobacco Mosaic Disease, 55. Angular Leaf Spot of Cotton, 56. Damping-off Seedlings, 57. Ring Rot of Potato, 58. Little Leaf of Brinjal (Egg Plant), 59. Plant Protection,60. Glossary, 61. Index
A Text Book of Botany Volume 2
1. Introduction to Plant Histology, 2. Plant Cell, 3.Mitochondria, 4. Chloroplast, 5. Golgi Complex, 6. Nucleus, 7. Mitosis 8. Meiosis, 9. Tissues, 10. Primary Structure of Dicot Stem, 11. Secondary Thickening in Dicot Stem, 12.Primary Structure of Dicot Leaf, 13. Secondary Thickening in Dicot Root, 14. Primary Structure of a Young Dicot Root, 15. Introduction to Pteridophytes, 16. Classification of Pteridophytes 17. Selaginella, 18. Gleichenia, 19. Marsilea, 20. Introduction to Gymnosperms,21. Classification of Gymnosperms, 22. Cycas, 23. Pinus 24. Cupressus, 25. Gnetum, 26. Glossary, 27. Index
A Text Book of Botany Volume 3
1. Introduction to Taxonomy, 2. Morphology of Angiosperms, 3. Bentham and Hooker’s System of Classification, 4. Annonaceae, 5. Rutaceae, 6. Caesalpinioideae, 7. Mimosoideae, 8. Apiaceae, 9. Convolvulaceae, 10. Asclepiadaceae, 11. Euphorbiaceae, 12. Liliaceae, 13. Cannaceae, 14. Poaceae, 15. Brassicaceae, 16. Sterculiaceae, 17. Myrtaceae, 18. Cucurbitaceae, 19. Rubiaceae, 20. Sapotaceae, 21. Apocynaceae, 22. Lamiaceae, 23. Introduction to Embryology, 24. Anther – Structure and Development, 25. Microsporogenesis, 26. Pollengrain Structure and Development of Male Gametophyte, 27. Ovule (Megasporangium), 28. Megasporogenesis, 29. Female Gametophyte, 30. Double Fertilization, 31. Endosperm, 32. Dicot Embryo, 33. Monocot Embryo, 34. Introduction to Horticulture, 35. Propagation, 36. Orchards – Planning and Layout, 37. Kitchen Garden – Planning and Layout, 38. Indoor Gardening, 39. Storage of Fruits, 40. Water Gardens, 41. Rockery, 42. Glossary, 43. Index
A Text Book of Botany Volume 4
1. Introduction to Plant Physiology, 2.Absorption of Water, 3. Ascent of Sap, 4. Transpiration(Water Loss) 5.Role of Minerals in Plant Nutrition, 6. Absorption of Minerals 7. Photosynthesis, 8. Respiration in Plants, 9. Protein Synthesis 10. Growth, 11. Growth Hormones,12. Photoperiodism, 13. Vernalization, 14. Introduction to Environmental Biology, 15. Ecosystem, 16. Ecological Field Study, 17. Pollution, 18. Forestry, 19. Forests, 20. Biological Control of Pests, Pathogens and Weeds, 21. Biofertilizers, 22.Waste Recycling, 23. Glossary, 24. Index

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Weight2850 g
Dimensions36.1 × 24.4 × 3.7 in


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