
Plant Physiology – 1. Introduction to Plant Physiology, 2. Absorption of Water, 3. Ascent of Sap, 4. Transpiration, 5. Role of Minerals in Plant Nutrition, 6. Absorption of Minerals, 7. Photosynthesis, 8. Respiration, 9. Protein Synthesis, 10. Growth, 11. Growth Hormones, 12. Photoperiodism, 13. Vernalization,
Environmental Biology – 14. Introduction to Environmental Biology, 15. Ecosystem, 16. Ecological Field Study, 17. Pollution, 18. Forestry, 19. Forest, 20. Biological Control of Pests, Pathogens and Weeds, 21. Biofertilizers, 22. Waste Recycling, 23. Glossary, 24. University Questions